Reference: 3HK1501
Katsushika Hokusai - Mont Fuji derrière la mer agitée
Katsushika Hokusai - Mont Fuji derrière la mer agitée
Katsushika Hokusai - The Big Wave (from 100 views of Mt. Fuji)
Anonymous - A horseman rides from the town Hagi, 1865
Michaelangelo Buonarroti - La creazione di Adamo (detail)
Martin Johnson Heade - Hummingbird and Apple Blossoms
Anonymous - Paris Monumental et Métropolitain, 1932
Johanne Baptist Homann - Planiglobii terrestris, 1716 (detail)
Samuel Dunn - Double hemisphere map of the world, 1794
Paul Klee - The Power of Play in a Lech Landscape