Reference: 2JO5550
Joannoo - Modern Map of the World (detail)
Joannoo - Modern Map of the World (detail)
Joannoo - Modern Map of the World (detail)
Samuel Thornton - Nova & accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula nautica, 1707
Joannoo - Modern Map of the World (chalkboard)
Jan Aertse va n den Ende - Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula (1635–1649)
NASA - Earth View from Space (North America)
Paolo Forlani - Universale descrittione di tutta la terra, 1565
Herman Moll - A New & Correct Map of the Whole World, 1719
Hendrik Hondius - Nova totius Terrarum Orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula
Hendrik Hondius - Vera Totius Expeditionis Nauticae, 1595
JACQUES NICOLAS BELLIN - Essay d'une Carte reduite du Globe Terrestre, 1778
Anonymous - Paris Monumental et Métropolitain, 1932
Johanne Baptist Homann - Planiglobii terrestris, 1716 (detail)
Samuel Dunn - Double hemisphere map of the world, 1794