Reference: 3AP1655
Victor Jorgensen - Kissing the War Goodbye in Times Square, 1945 (detail)
Victor Jorgensen - Kissing the War Goodbye in Times Square, 1945 (detail)
Neil Rabinowitz - Sailboat Leaning to the Side
Anonymous - Couple dancing Tango on cobblestone road
Anonymous - Portrait of leopard, South Africa
Anonymous - Cutter sailing on the ocean, 1910
Anonymous - Sloop and Channel Pile Light on Sydney Harbour
Anonymous - Victorian sloop on Sydney Harbour, 1930
Anonymous - Train wreck at Montparnasse, Paris, 1895
Gasoline Images - Vintage American motorbike (detail)
Gasoline Images - Vintage American V-Twin engine (detail)
Gasoline Images - Classic American car in Habana, Cuba
Gasoline Images - Vintage American car in Habana, Cuba
Anonymous - Grand Central Station, New York
Anonymous - Eiffel Tower from the Trocadero Palace, Paris