Λίστα προϊόντων κατά ζωγράφο Tomasyn de Winter

During her countless travels the artist has collected many experiences and impressions which she uses in er creations.At a young age she showed an interest in the decorative arts making simple sketches and collecting materials which would later be used in her art.Today Tomasyn works works as a freelance artist in Germany and creates mainly floral works which are full of vitality and texture.Using collage style corrugated papers and metallic paints plus her signature square shaped decorative icons her work is bold,contemporary and full of expression.

During her countless travels the artist has collected many experiences and impressions which she uses in er creations.At a young age she showed an interest in the decorative arts making simple sketches and collecting materials which would later be used in her art.Today Tomasyn works works as a freelance artist in Germany and creates mainly floral works which are full of vitality and texture.Using collage style corrugated papers and metallic paints plus her signature square shaped decorative icons her work is bold,contemporary and full of expression.

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